Sunday, 16 May 2010

Sunday Girl.

I decided late yesterday afternoon, to make sure that my Sunday was productive. It's about time I did something creative and not sit around being 'bored'. A few ideas knocked about in my head; polymer crafting, cards, painting, writing, reading. Here's what actually happened.

I woke up a bit before 10. Early mornings don't do anything for me. After opening the laptop for a couple of hours catching up on the various sites, I began to feel a bit hungry. Brunch, consisted of, bacon,sausage, egg and mushrooms in a browned in a pan and then topped with waffles to warm them through. Chuck that on a plate and hello a sort of 'casserole' breakfast :) Certainly filled me up.

What next? Salt dough! Was browsing through bookmarked blog posts and came across this one from Katy Elliott. This felt a little complicated so I googled for a bit and found a Guiding site that has one for airdrying saltdough. Haven't really made anything like this in years so got quite excited at the thought of trying it out. Here's what I came up with.
That's a TARDIS by the way. It will look better once it's painted. I promise.

A bit more chilling out and it's time for round two. Cupcakes! Let's get the kitchen messy. Everything was going just fine, I'd spooned out the mixture into the trays. Suddenly, it's sat there looking at me. The bicarb of soda. Damn, they won't rise. I tried to mix some into each case with my fingers but it looked crappy. Woops.
In the oven and a while later they came out like this

So time to let them cool and make another meal. This time, grilled chicken with tomato salad and sauteed onions and mushrooms. Yummy. No pic sorry.

Icing time. I couldn't get the piping to work last time but after some help talking to bloggers and cake decorators I'd been given some great tips. I sincerely believe there's no greater feeling on this earth than neat piping icing coming out of the bag, sad?
Now all that's left is for me to do a bit of writing for Laura Jane as it's my turn. Whilst making my way through these lovely things.
Feeling much better now.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, cute Sunday! The cupcakes are so cute - I made some myself yesterday.

    And I look forward to reading your writing! :-D

    LJ xx


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