Thursday, 8 September 2011

Happy Birthday Louise Jones

9 September 1993. I don't remember anything amazing on that day. I was probably going about my daily routine of being 4 years old. However, one very special lady was born that day. Louise 'Britain's Best Young Blogger' Jones. Wikipedia in all it's wisdom says that on this day, 'The Palestine Liberation Organization officially recognizes Israel as a legitimate state.' Which is great. But Louise is just as great. She's camped out for hours just to catch glimpses of Royalty. Been in the Big Brother House before anyone else and let us all be a part of that by writing about it on Teen Dreaming. Her Twitter Feed is just made of awesome too. 

I'm no graphic designer as I'll openly admit but I want to send a message to wish her all the best with turning 18. Adulthood has arrived. Don't worry, it's all fine this side. In fact, it's just brilliant!

So I've put together a teeny tiny little message for Louise.

Like I said, I'm no Monet. Just give me some Sharpies and I'll do my best.

Louise, you deserve to do so well as you're so flipping lovely. Many Happy Returns and have a great party!

Limerick reads

There once was a girl called Louise
Who brought the internet to it's knees
She tweeted and blogged
Then slept like a log
Today she's 18, Go Louise!

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